Since our inception we have called for a united voice from Christianity, and especially the churches which represent it.
Despite being shunned by some for even daring to mention it, we will continue to call out churches and church bodies who refuse, or too cowardly to speak out on behalf of those who oppose the evil which is rife in this country.
Over the past month I have noted articles relating to the rich people in this world selling off shares and assets and the building of shelters around the world, on private islands and even here in New Zealand.
All very well for them as they must know something we don’t and dare I say it, Church leaders in this country are either too blind, stupid, or ignorant to notice what is happening in the world and being replicated in this nation of ours.
If you are a church going person, what is the viewpoint of your church leadership towards things like abortion, euthanasia, same sex marriage.
Let’s go deeper and ask, what is their position on the end times discussions, are they open to debate on any of today’s issues.
In New Zealand we have church leaders mentioned in the media, Brian Tamaki from Destiny Church is the most well-known, what about Peter Mortlock from City Impact, unlike Brian Tamaki, Mortlock doesn’t get the same headlines, but his position on events happening is similar.
While Tamaki and Mortlock, both whom I have respect for, play to their own congregational audience, which is fine as they are being good shepherds in warning and steering their flock from the dangers which are fraught in our culture, the rest of New Zealand doesn’t see it.
We may scoff at the billionaires of this world building shelters, but at least they are preparing themselves for whatever may be getting them spooked.
Another voice is staring to speak and is now beating its drum within Christian circles, and this is the New Zealand Christian Network headed by Dr Stuart Laing.
In a recent newsletter to his membership of Christian based organisations Dr Laing spoke of the “growing numbers of people in New Zealand who are rejecting God, and who are wary of the church”
He mentioned the many challenges faced by Christianity today such as sexual abuse in churh related contexts, also, some of the social legislation passed by government in recent years has cast some shadow over the freedoms of belief and expression.
Dr Laing at least is asking the question of the organisations which are members of the network.
He said “In the face of such challenges, what should Christians and churches do? Succumb to pessimism? Lie low? Blame someone else. Give up?”
In considering Dr Laing’s question, try and at least answer this age-old question, “what would Jesus do.”
Funny, I already know your answer to that, but if you think that is what Jesus would do, and as a follower of Jeus Christ would you remain silent on today’s issues.
I have stated it many times over the years but for those who haven’t heard it before.
We need for the wimps who stand behind the pulpit, knees knocking as the deliver their sermon on Sunday, scared they may offend someone in the congregation, too scared to preach the word of God, too scared to mention the words sin or judgement, then they need to stand aside and allow someone who can roar like the Lion of Judah to come forward.
You can see what is happening in this nation, you are not stupid enough to bury your heads in the sand, but you also think my voice will not be heard, well you’re wrong.
Every time you open your mouth God hears you, just one voice, all alone in the wilderness.
But let me ask you this, if a lonely dog in an alleyway howl at the moon? How many people hear it.
I am not sure why the billionaires are seeking shelter, but I do know something is about to happen to this world and it’s been going on for some time.
In my presentation “When a Nation Forgets God” which we took through the country prior to Covid I spoke often, about how we should engage with today’s world.
I am so glad to hear people like Dr Stuart Laing, Brian Tamaki, Peter Mortlock engaging their congregations and asking the pertinent questions for living today rather than burying their heads in the sands of mediocrity.
We need strong leadership, we need courage in our pulpits and we ourselves must remain strong as we identify what the issues are, that we as a church must confront to represent the God we worship.
I asked earlier for you to consider what would Jesus do?
The church and remember, we are the church, the building down the road is not the church, we are so here’s the thing while we spend some time, but not too long to identify those issues we as a church must confront.
Then we need to seek and ask what Jesus’ instructions would be to us, as we prepare for the darkness that is enclosing upon us and the deeper darkness which is yet to come.
Remember Dr Laing asked “In the face of such challenges, what should Christians and churches do? Succumb to pessimism? Lie low? Blame someone else. Give up?”
Our churches, our church leaders need to both humble themselves and repent for their own sin of not leading their flocks to safety.
We need not fear the future as it is Jesus who walks amongst us and hold us in his hands and in Philippian’s: 2:15 read it with me where Jesus can empower us to… “Be blameless and innocent children of God, without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among you who shine as lights in the world.”
Today I urge you not to be a bystander in this world but to engage with it, meet it head on and be the light within the darkness as this time draws to an end.