I have been thinking

Funny thing when I say I’ve been thinking at home, my wife braces herself for the trip down a rabbit hole, good news is there isn’t any today.

 Over the past month or so we have received a fair bit of traffic on some of our videos related to Dr David Jeremiah, Brian Tamaki and issues confronting New Zealand.

So let me make a start with Dr David who is revered in Christian circles.

While we as an organisation sought clarification from his organisation and broadcast their comments stating what most of us in our hearts were true, it wasn’t him, which was a relief to everyone.

What all the comments we received amount to is a culture of straight-out acceptance of teaching without question.
Mike Bain

I will say this in our defence, had everyone had watched the video to its conclusion, the message became obscured by the outrage you had, you may have missed the point of the message.

We stated clearly the bible waning regarding the rise of false teachers and false doctrine in the final days and a warning not to be deceived.

All things in the gospels indicate the apostles were unaware of the motives and actions of Judas Iscariot.

There are a couple of things we learned from this exercise, although we ourselves checked the source, we were content it had come from a source which promotes Turning Point videos.

As expected, we searched Dr Jeremiahs recent discourses especially those related to his current series regarding the rapture and because of the statements impact, we searched for a public denial, which is still absent.

When we contacted Turning Point, they were aware that videos and there were more than just one in circulation and were attempting to have them taken down and obviously rejected it was Dr Jeremiah’s teaching, but it sure did sound like him.

A comment we received from one viewer as an explanation was generated by artificial intelligence. If so, it really does make you question anything in the future.

At about the same time actress Scarlet Johansson was in the news because what sounded like her voice had been used in a product endorsement.

What all the comments we received amount to is a culture of straight-out acceptance of teaching without question.

Like I stated we were just as surprised by the 2024 call of the rapture, at least we tried to ascertain its validity hoping Dr Jeremiah was wrong, at the same time hoping he may have been correct.

Your criticism that we rebroadcast his comments to take down a great servant of God we feel are unfounded, we also used the names of other well-known preachers who had made similar claims.

The claim, which we now know to be false could have been true, so, I come back and ask the question, if it had been him and the statement were true, would you still discount the message, just like many in Noah’s day on the day he loaded up the Ark.

Those who believe pre, mid or post rapture teaching will, or they must look at least two of these teachings as false doctrines.

I have heard the discussion on Matthew 24/ and the argument it relates to the end, but then many sat the rapture has no timeline.

It’s a rabbit hole I am not wanting to address but our intent is to assist you with defining today’s culture though the lens of the bible and that includes calling out false hood.

Given the response we received from Turning Point, we accept the video used was a fake and have apologised directly for doubting.

This whole episode and comment’s regarding the question raised was, Brian Tamaki: is he good for Christianity and our messages relating to race relations has highlighted some only hear and see what we want to hear.

As a Christian organisation, our messages regarding the division of this country are focussed on unity.

With regards to Brian Tamaki, some felt by asking the question we were attacking him, I guess those who attacked us failed to hear how we applauded his actions and hoped many more church leaders would speak out the same way.

We all don’t agree with the method but applaud his answer to the call of action.

Thank you for watching to the end, which is what we encourage everyone to do, in order to hear the whole story.

Thank you as well to the passion you have shown towards the issues we have raised and pray you will continue to be showing this in what already is a darkened world which it will remain until the arrival of our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ.

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