Some people are like Bees to a honey pot – you know who they are, especially if you hold a garage sale on a Saturday morning.
The colins dictionary English dictionary’s definition of the phrase is
“If something attracts people like bees to a honeypot or like bees round a honeypot, it attracts people in large numbers.”
Its an expression which is being used to describe reaction to the current middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine.
When the conflict fist hit the headlines, there was an outpouring in both rage and condemnation over the attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas.
I call them terrorists because anyone who launches attacks on civilians and slaughters children to be terrorist.
However, as I mentioned in a previous episode, I accept one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist dependent on what side of the gun you are on.
And I will restate what I said last time, as a Christian I am saddened to see this conflict affecting innocent lives on both sides, and while as a Christian I look to the land of Israel as being holy, but then so does Islam, which shows you, really there is no side to be taken.
But like bees to a honeypot, we are attracted to conflict, we have an opinion formed on what I consider to be unconscious bias brought about by our own upbringing.
As a journalist, and as a person who has been, and seen a lot of trouble over the years, we often see attitudes shift in a conflict.
Unquestionably, the recent terrorist attacks on Israeli people by Hamas fighters were brutal and evil.
The attacks reflected Palestinian bitterness about decades of conflict, and a rejection – by some – of the very existence of Israel.
Morally, though, such a massacre can never be justified.
The decision of Israel to invade Gaza and destroy Hamas is understandable, but fraught with considerable danger.
Such an incursion will inevitably lead to a huge loss of life.
Many have already died, and – whatever the rights or wrongs – Palestinian and international Muslim outrage will only be compounded.
Yep, just like bees to a honeypot.
It’s not just countries but anybody whose anybody is out supporting Palestine, and yet you would think it was Israel who started this conflict.
Speak support about Israel and watch the venom pour out of those antisemitic mouths.
The lack lustre response from our foreign minister over the conflict saw prime minister Chris Hipkins walk back and toughen up the condemnation.
New Zealand by the way has given millions of dollars in financial support to the Palestinians for its efforts to establish a homeland in the past.
And no one should be surprised that members of these three members of the Green Party who until recently were a part of the government have supported the actions of Hamas.
Yes, that is correct, they have supported the abduction, the killing of Israeli children and adults. Shame on them
And there was the usual sporting star Sonny Bill Williams putting his head above the parfait.
Oddly enough the only person you would expect to have a say would be saint Jacinda, but she hasn’t.
Isn’t it sad how The Auckland Museum in showing solidarity in support of the victims of Israel by lighting its building in Israeli colours had to apologise for the offence caused to Palestinian supporters. And yet we don’t see any building lit in Palestinian colours.
I guess the flavour isn’t what the bees who attend Islamic mosques in this country is not to their taste as we don’t hear them condemning terrorism at the hands of Hamas especially as how they themselves had been victims of terrorism recently.
Like Bees to a honeypot Palestinian supporters shut out a show of solidarity and grieving from the Jewish community in Australia and had to listen to this group chanting “Gas the Jews”
Around the world we are watching an outpouring of antisemitic, hate a vitriol from nearly every land.
Just last week, I found out that Climate change must have been involved in the middle eastern conflict as Greta Looney tunes voice has been heard in support of Palestine advocating, the use of sustainable bombs.
Like Bees attracted to a honeypot, they are unstoppable.
It’s a bit of an eyeopener, especially when one black guy dies in America and the world breaks out into mass protests, cities burn, and anyone in the public eye desperately bends the knee for a cheap photo opportunity in mock solidarity.
1,400 Jews are slaughtered, and the same people are out on the streets calling for the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people.
Meanwhile, the celebrities, politicians and sportsmen who can’t wait to jump on every other tragedy remain silent. It’s certainly been an eye opener.
There is plenty of information available online about the history of Palestine/Israel, but one thing I found interesting was how the land was left barren and desolate until the Jews came back to the land in the mid-1800s and the land became refreshed with water and began to be fertile again.
Some may say it’s a coincidence, others may have differing opinions, but the land given to the descendants of Abraham was described as a land of milk and honey and doesn’t it seem strange to you that everyone is like a bee attracted to this honeypot.
I have recently seen other bees attracted to the honeypot of prophecy, some claiming this is the start of WWIII, could be, but it could also be the start of something even bigger and that is the battle foretold in the book of Revelation.
Jesus words recorded in Matthew 24:43 if you knew a thief was coming, you would stay awake, stay on the watch as the apostle Paul put it.
My friends if you want a clearer understanding of the times, we live in then I suggest you find all the honey in the pot called The Bible and you and be like a bee and be attracted to the God of heaven and earth.
- We, New Zealand
- cannot, nor should it support the killing of innocents,
- we cannot, nor should we be like the nation of Germany did in the days of Adolf Hitler enter or support acts of antisemitic behaviour towards the Jewish people,
- and we cannot, nor should we have members of our house of representatives support ethnic cleansing of one nation.
In an article last week, I read the story of a chicken farmer in Lebanon who wanted Israel to attack his country, he wanted rid of the scourge of the Hezbollah who overran his country more than a decade ago.
Not everyone Arab wants to see conflict but they certainly are and unquestionably, are attracted to the honeypot of Israel.
- I have heard calls for prayer, so yes, we should pray for those on both sides who mourn, or who are wounded, or homeless, or who now live in great fear.
- Pray for the vulnerable minority of Palestinians who are Christian.
- Pray for inspired and gifted peacemakers, for a general de-escalation, for a ceasefire, and for a negotiated settlement.
- Pray for a deeper miracle: for a new desire among both Jews and Arabs to live alongside each other not in hatred and violence, but with generosity, justice, mercy, and respect.
- Pray that large numbers of Jews and Palestinians may come to believe in Christ, and so find peace with God and a growing peace with others.
- Pray for God’s sovereign purposes to be fulfilled, across the world, and that God’s Kingdom may come.
And one last thing, look up, for your redemption is near.