Let me start with a statement.
Every employer has a responsibility to pay workers at the agreed time, by the agreed method of payment and the agreed amount.
This is just an example of responsibility.
Hello, I’m Mike Bain from Christian Voice New Zealand, responsibility, is it just a word, or does it have some real meaning, and can someone else be responsible for your actions?
When I was a kid at school for some reason, not sure why but if some other kid in my class farted loudly the teacher would spin around from the blackboard and demand, who was responsible?
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, 5 for each one should carry their own load.
Apostle Paul /Galatians 6:4,5 NIV
Amongst the laughter, the rest of the class would point my way, regardless of evidence of exposition could be found elsewhere.
I often found myself taking one for the team, but I just wished someone else would stand up and say, It was me.
As an adult, father and grandfather, I am still observing how much blame is apportioned to other people, society, history, when it comes to responsibility.
There’s a bit of a joke when you go to see a mental Health practitioner the reason you are like the way you are, is your parents’ fault.
When it comes to New Zealanders, particularly if you are white, everything is your fault.
I’m sure you will remember Greens co leader Mārama Davidson blamed white-cis males as responsible for the high levels of domestic violence to women in this country. Fact checking proved her wrong.
But blaming white people for failures of a race because of colonization has become systemic amongst some people.
As you are aware this is a Christian Based Channel and so we look at culture through a biblical lens.
Now I have to say, historically, Christianity has been far from perfect and I’ll come to that soon.
But first I want to take a point Paul made to the congregation in Galatia.
In Galatians 6 we read where Paul spoke of wrongdoing, everyone is capable, but he also mentioned we should watch ourselves lest we be tempted to carry the burdens of others ourselves.
Verse 4 -5 reads 4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, 5 for each one should carry their own load.
Other translations refer to the word load as burden, responsibility, carry your own pack.
I’m not a fan of The Message Bible but it sums this verse up this way
Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.
Look its okay to blame the dog if you express yourself via your bottom, but when what you say smells like your bottom you have a problem.
I mentioned History and Christianity in the same sentence before, immediately your mind goes to the times of the inquisitions, where people were forced into Catholicism at the end of a sword.
We know it was wrong, but as a Christian today I was not responsible for the actions of men at that time, just the same as a German baby born today bears no responsibility of a madman last century.
In this country our government is doing its best to settle past grievances via the Treaty of Waitangi settlement process.
And yet we hear of how colonization is responsible for the disproportionate numbers of Māori in an endless list of health, crime, prison, poverty, and housing.
Let me be blunt, I am a child of the last century, my family came to these shores near the end of the nineteenth century, they acted in accordance to the law, the conditions set out by the government of the day.
As a family we are not responsible for how Maoridom is today. We live and can contribute to making New Zealand a great place to live.
I was brought up to accept everybody and be proud we could live in a diverse culture.
There was no them or us in society, we all had an equal opportunity to carry ourselves forward, even if others chose not to.
I think I would be right in saying growing up in post war New Zealand as a Child was not an easy one as family violence was rife, particularly in my neighborhood and home, but I have fought to not be like my parents and if I slip, I cannot blame my parents for my actions.
Some may feel I am being naive or it’s not that simple, but it is.
We all have a choice in this country today.
We can be like the Labour Government and blame the previous National Government and Covid -19 for everything which has gone wrong in this country.
Or we could be like Māori and blame colonization for their woes.
But how about it New Zealand, it’s time to admit the past, that means both Pakeha and Māori because history doesn’t just show one race as wrong doers.
Its time for each race to carry the load, the burden to put the past behind us to move forward.
Let me leave you with Paul’s words to the Galatians 6:4-5 from the Message Bible just to ponder. Those words were these.
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that.
Don’t be impressed with yourself.
Don’t compare yourself with others.
Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.
Or as other versions which are straight to the point, we should watch ourselves lest we be tempted to carry the burdens of others ourselves.