It’s the economy, it’s all about the economy stupid?

Go back to the US presidential campaign of 1992 where the incumbent president George H W Bush had an approval rating of 90% of the job he was doing.

So how was it, the young democrat Bill Clinton unseat him?

Regardless of where you live and your leader may be the most popular person to ever hold office as did George Bush, but when your country is in a recession, someone has to fix it.

A simple phrase cooked up by James Carville who was a strategist on the Clinton campaign, used by Bill Clinton in a debate with Bush brought people’s attention back to the reality, the country was in the middle of a recession when Bush was in charge.

History tells us Clinton was successful in the end, but history shows us money worries in the USA have exploded ever since.
It’s the economy stupid, and in New Zealand, and every other country in the has always been about the economy.

Without a good economy, without prudent stewardship, without overspending, life just hangs in the balance and nothing else matters.

New Zealand’s economy has just returned into a recession after predictions of reduced export earnings and inflation all factor into a cost-of-living crisis for all New Zealand.

I am not going to comment on the management or lack thereof, or the vandalism brought about by idealistic former student union or left winged progressives, as we all know, they were wrong, just a pity they could not admit it.

Going back to the United States for a moment, their economy is sinking and taking on water faster than the Titanic and will sink sooner than expected.

President Joe Biden just recently had to get approval from congress for the treasury to print another trillion dollars and have it released into its economy, why? Because there wasn’t enough money to pay to keep government services operating.

For those who have paid attention would know that the reserve Bank of New Zealand has also printed money beyond the value of what it held in government stocks and bonds.

In other words, we have more money in our system which results in our dollar having less value resulting in less spending power.

The current coalition government went into this election knowing our economy was in a mess, but it wasn’t until they took control, they could see and perhaps just recently comprehending the economic conundrum they face.

Other world economies have recovered from Covid, but New Zealand is flailing in its recovery and it’s not a quick fix.

As a country we have to pull together in order to get this nations economy back on track, sounds like a political slogan but its true.

Our children’s grandchildren will be paying down on the interest the government of the past six years has either borrowed or created if we don’t.

While the populists jump on every gravy train going where they can find ways for governments to spend money whether it be climate carbon emissions to save the future of the planet.

What good will it be when your economy, hence your spending power is limited.

The USA economy has looked shaky for decades, the Euro is also in trouble as governments look to destabilise their own economies.

For sure there are troubling signs forecasting a major world-wide recession. Let’s add to what we have been speaking about with a world wide shortage of food starting to bite into some countries as we see grain exports from both Ukraine and Russia diminishing, and European Governments forcing farmers from their lands and encouraging those who remain, not to grow food.

I know, it all sounds bizarre, but you simply don’t hear about the protests in Europe because our mainstream media are more interested in navel gazing and their own opinions rather than reporting fact.

It about the economy, and last year we here at Christian Voice New Zealand were mentioning these things, but we also spoke about the effects of the ride of the four horsemen found in the book of revelation and it’s impacts on the world.

We are now in that time period where very soon you won’t need to visit the supermarket, it will only be the rich who can afford a loaf of bread.

Look at the signs. Take a good hard look at what is happening in New Zealand, I mentioned just weeks back, the worlds rich people are divesting themselves of companies and shares and building shelters.

New Zealand’s top companies, the ones who have been a sure bet for investment are doing the same, as they divest their capital.

Let’s face it as we move into this brave new world the economists are all talking about where cheap labour will be gone, your job will carried out by a robot, and you will have nothing and you will be happy.

Just like the storm clouds of war were covering Europe last century, we can see the same thing happening today, and we understand the significance of what is happening in the rest of the world will affect New Zealand.

But right now, the last thing the New Zealand economy needs is for the rest of the world to crumble.

My friends the trumpets in heaven are sounding, heed the call to action, yes its about the economy, but its about you yourself and your understanding of the times in which we live.

In order for us to survive what is to come and they will be dark days ahead, we must know from where our salvation will come from.

The world’s politicians, the world’s leaders can promise the earth, they can scrap about borders, about dominion, but for what end.

They are only in place for one reason and one reason only and that is by the grace of GOD, but what happens when he says enough.

If we can no longer look after this planet, and to do so, it needs money and we know it’s money which make the world go around and we have none, then does the world stop.

So is it really all about the economy, Really the answer is no, yes money and riches aid in today’s world, you have heard the saying from the World Economic Forum who says You will own nothing will be happy.”

If that were true, why is it we all toil for something we cannot achieve.

Is it really about the economy or is it something greater than that.

We are living in prophetic times, and can I suggest you have a look at our video on the ride of the Four Horsemen or you can read it about it yourself, or better still ask your local church for an explanation.

Either way, those divesting in capital may or may not be aware of this piece of prophesy from Revelation 6 which reads

15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us[f] from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

James Carville from the Clinton Campaign may have called his opposition stupid when he coined the phrase, it’s all about the economy, but hopefully we are not stupid to understand, its more than that.

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