Lies, lies, and more lies.

Author: Mike Bain, Christian Voice New Zealand

There is so much information being spread around about Coronavirus.

Every day I receive another theory, news report or a pointer to claims and counter claims.

The conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen all saying pretty much the same thing.

Lots of information, too much information and then you have a campaign from the Government trying to put their information out.

For me, its all confusing and I note the same thing is happening with my fellow believers in Christ.

But I ask you take some time out and think what all this information overload is doing.

It is simple- It’s a distraction for what is real.

You see the Apostle Paul encouraged us to keep our eyes on the finishing line.

Everyday we hear of things which make us live in fear, Jesus said in Matt 24, In the last days we would hear of such things.

Today as a believer I want to encourage you to think, to pray, and to act as a believer.

Instead of looking for the latest conspiracy theory about Covid 19 just look up.

Look up to where your salvation is coming from.

By doing so, your life today will be much better as the end is coming.

What is happening must happen as the ruler of this world manipulates and coerces the governments to a stage which is ready for the anti-Christ.

Look ahead, read the bible, and believe.

My Salvation and yours comes from having Faith in God.

Look up for you a child of the most high!

Look Up to where your salvation will come from.

Look up for the return of Christ, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.

This is where your salvation will come from.

And there will be no conspiracy theories, no misinformation, only justice and mercy.

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