Hot news has been the withdrawal of the Covid 19 vaccine made by Astra Zeneca after admissions it could cause very rare, but life-threatening injuries.
But just hold the phone before ringing your solicitor to start legal proceedings because the spin doctors have been banging on their keyboards.
Now the Swedish-British Pharma company are reporting , “The withdrawal was due to a “surplus of available updated vaccines” against new variants of the novel coronavirus.”
I acknowledge the vaccine regardless of its source whether it be Astra Zeneca or Pfizer is a hot button for many, especially in New Zealand so I am not going to talk about the pro’s and con’s on vaccination.
Instead, I am going back to a subject we have previously discussed and that is the United Nations /World Health Organisations Pandemic Treaty.
Here is what I call the Readers Digest version of why W.H.O initiated the idea and its implications.
First, following on from the varied response from many nations WHO have promoted the idea of a worldwide, if you like uniform response to any future pandemics,
The WHO claim this is a health response and on face value, its not a bad idea, but they always say, the devil is in the detail and in this proposal it really is.
What WHO is wanting, although they will claim it to be untrue, is when another pandemic arrives WHO will act within a nation, take over its sovereignty and act accordingly in terms of the treaty.
WHO is looking for signatures of all member nations, but New Zealand has indicated it won’t be signing up, and while there is a great deal of lobbying against the United States signing it, President Biden is likely to.
Losing your sovereignty to a global organisation like the WHO is a huge thing for any government to do as this eliminates any power a democratically elected government has.
Now the United Nations timeline for signatories all done and dusted is the end of September, not far away really.
Now there is an increased amount of news reports regarding the next pandemic which is due and that is the avian or bird flu which is affecting various species around the world.
Whether it has the potential to crossover to humans has not been discovered but I guess slipping it into a market in Wuhan hasn’t happened.
The United Nations along with the World Economic Forum, yes, you probably wondered where they figured in all of this, but both have been promoting the idea of a new pandemic which has been referred to as X which attacks your mind is expected to make an impact in 2025.
Hence the need for the nations to come together and sign up for the Pandemic Treaty.
Now I don’t have to tell you but with varying and conflicting news reports and stories, it won’t be a hard sell for pandemic fervour to be whipped up again.
Did I mention that this X pandemic will also promote the onset of cancer, and this is the reason Pfizer, Bill Gates and all the other rich listers have been taking over as many cancer research companies.
I know, it all sounds like a huge conspiracy theory, but it’s not, it is actually a thing, and what I’m discussing maybe news to you, and really why is that?
The left-wing news media in this country is more concerned about its new role: being the opposition to the current coalition government and let’s not forget the new carpet in Christopher Luxon’s office than reporting the facts about anything which of substance to the future of New Zealand.
I have to say it, there is a great deal of ignorance of world affairs in this country, despite being able to access as much information as possible via the internet, and this ignorance comes from the habit of watching and believing everything we hear on the 6pm news bulletin.
And here it is, what is really happening and the reason we have raised the pandemic treaty and the reason why the UN/WHO/WEF wants to seize sovereignty of countries, why these organisations are behind Centralised Digital Banking, 15 minute cities, why they are attempting to manipulate a famine by encouraging farmers to grow less and why we are being told we need to decrease our populations by 25%, why we have to own nothing to be happy.
Not a conspiracy theory, Check it all out for yourselves.
We won’t be sucked in again, I hear you say, it was so easy for these people to inject you with fear, close your borders, and ruin your economy, who’s willing to say it won’t happen again. But it’s happening.
And why is that? It’s because those who have the real power in the world are steadily moving to a point in time the Bible speaks about, a time when we will see a centralisation of everything, a one-world-government.
Yes, you have heard about it, now is this making sense and who, just who will run this one-world-government, it will be the one the Bible speaks about as the man of perdition.
Many claim he is here today, many also claim he has been, he may well be here today, unknown to you and I but he will reveal himself soon, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
The admission regarding the Covid vaccine is important because it underpins the one thing, we all want in life and that is the truth.
Will the world be sucked in again to lockdowns, to mass vaccinations again, the answer is yes, because the number one weapon of choice is being used and used freely and that is fear.
Call it a conspiracy, even laugh at the suggestion of a one world government, the idea of an antichrist, some will even laugh and mock the suggestion there is a GOD, but the father of the Lie Satan the devil wants you to do.
When it happens and it will you will be like the population clinging onto whatever you can as this world suddenly changes.
You will see the world change and scoff at the warnings you hear, the people you labelled as foolish, and that is how it will be for a very short time until it changes, just as they did in the Days of Noah as he and his family went about building their ark.
Today is the day I urge you take some time out and think, and I mean really think, use the internet, find out for yourself, speak with your Christian friends, but above all I urge you today to prepare yourself as to what is to come.
Look, even if you just read and believe what is written in 2 Thessalonian Chapter 2, you have made a start towards overcoming your fear and be set free when you see the truth.
Unlike the company Astra Zeneca who manufactured the Covid Vaccine, no bible student will try and manipulate the truth about this message or its impact.
May the blessing of God be upon you for reading, we welcome your comments, and we remind you if you haven’t, to subscribe.