The collapse of society is imminent
The collapse of society really is coming, and most of us will find themselves completely and utterly unprepared when it finally happens.
Survey after survey in New Zealand points to a genuine concern we are not confident of our future.
If you look at the political polls conducted over the past decade, especially the question on optimism, like are you happy where the country is headed, there are more dis-satisfied people than there are satisfied.
I acknowledge over the past decade we have had changes in government, and although the recent change has brought about an increase in optimism but is that superficial based on some form of hope brought about by an inner fear, it might not happen.
If you are feeling this way, you are not alone.
In his Olivet discourse (Matthew 24) when speaking of the time of the end times Jesus used a nearby fig tree to make his point and said to his disciples “learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
So what is it exactly that’s causing people to lose heart, to lose certainty about their future.
As an honest person, one who is not afraid to speak the truth, the answer comes down to what you believe, what it is which occupies the space in your head.
There is just so much mistrust these days, every night when I watch the news, I find myself checking each story as to whether its true and not spun in a way that it “just looks true.”
Faith in all of our major institutions is dropping, and here in New Zealand the Readers Digest every year takes a poll to find what is the most trusted brand and or profession.
Last year we voted we trusted Whitakers Chocolate as the most trusted brand and doctors were number one trusted professional.
But there is a growing consensus that very challenging times are ahead of us.
Here in 2024, we will be facing huge issues not just at home, but from overseas, and while we may have plenty to say about the rights and wrongs of things like societal change it won’t matter one iota, because we here are just a small country at the bottom of the planet.
And because of our geographical isolation, we are not living in the same nightmares people on other continents find themselves in.
Later this year the people of the United states will get to vote in what is already being described as the most chaotic election season in the countries entire history, multiple wars are erupting all over the planet, economic problems are rapidly growing, destructive natural disasters are becoming more frequent, global authorities are warning us to brace ourselves for the next pandemic, and our cities are being absolutely overwhelmed by endless waves of new migrants.
The stage is set for a societal implosion of epic proportions, and many around the globe are feverishly preparing for a coming collapse that they believe is inevitable.
In New Zealand, our civil defence message was “get ready, get through.”
Remember. How we, were encouraged to have emergency kits to get us through a disaster?
The idea, like wearing life jackets on a boat is a good one but really who complied.
And like the people of Hawkes Bay found out last year having faith in your government would help keep society stable was unfounded.
Today, if you actually believe that the government will be there to rescue you when things really start hitting the fan, you are delusional.
Many New Zealanders are realizing that they will be forced to rely on themselves as society collapses, but no one, and I mean no one is spending significant money on emergency preparedness, given the cost-of-living crisis in this country, no one can afford to think beyond dinner time let alone next week.
But spending a couple hundred dollars on some emergency preparedness items simply is not going to be enough to survive what is eventually coming.
I keep coming back to this point, many, and that number increases, but many wealthy are divesting assets around the world and building shelters for themselves, some have built them here in New Zealand.
Come back to Jesus words “learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door.
This is not a doomsday message by any means but ask yourself, When things get really bad, will you shut your door to those that are requesting help?
We have all seen the dystopian movies where people will be so desperate and take what they want for themselves.
We no longer have to wait for those times here in New Zealand. We see certain groups of people already helping themselves in supermarkets with no consequences.
Discussions on collapse often turn to signs and signals – The economy, politics and social tensions have become increasingly unstable for many years now, and much like adding more and more weight to a man standing on a frozen lake, eventually the ice is going to break. The question is, how do we know when that moment will be?
As cultural systems begin to dissolve due to political clashes and economic decline the real evil tends to slither out of the woodwork.
It happens slowly at first, then all at once. A sure sign of accelerating collapse is the growing prevalence of psychopaths and psychopathic behavior in the open.
As New Zealand as a country we are in the middle stages of such a collapse with many sociopaths and psychopaths beginning to feel that they might be able to act out their worst impulses without consequences.
They are beginning to test the waters to see what they can get away with.
Years ago, last century, I asked a man about the changes in society we were seeing back then if the end of civilisation was coming, his answer to me was, “If you think it’s happening, then it really is.”
The old mans words really resonated with me, because they are so true.
I am sure that you have noticed the same thing. Evil is literally growing all around us, and the inmates are taking over the asylum.
And I am entirely convinced that 2024 is going to be a historic turning point.
Are you ready for the tremendous chaos that is coming?
If you have not figured it out yet?
Then let’s start by understanding why these things are happening, why Jesus told his disciple about terrible things to come and why he said, for these must happen.
Each one of us, in order to get through, we need to get ready, yes we need to ensure we have an emergency kit prepared, that is just commonsense, but we also need to ensure we have the right standing before God.
I talked about trust earlier, you can put your trust in a Whitakers chocolate Bar or your doctor, but I’ll tell you this. When society goes to hell in a handcart, I would rather have trust in what many refer to as the mystical man in the sky, I am talking about the God of the Bible who already has a record for saving individuals and nations from destruction.
How about you, who are you putting your trust into today?
If you want to find out more about God, the bible, or even what can give you faith in your future, then feel to reach out to your local bible believing, teaching church, or contact us through our website and we will be able to help.
This is not a game.