The Great Reset: Open Borders.
Talk about going down an endless rabbit hole as we attempt to bring you more information regarding the influence the World Economic Forum has over governments especially New Zealand.
Today, a borderless world is the subject of Part 2 on our discussion as we look at how the WEF is paving the way for a one world government and the rise of the antichrist.
Let’s start by acknowledging New Zealand, a country surrounded by water has an effective border, but realize there are many countries around the world which have neighboring countries assessable down the same highway.
A borderless world.
Globalism requires the world to become one big family of nations, borders are obstacles standing in the way of this vision.
Take America as an example, borders are a big thing, and you may remember Trump and his big wall that he was going to build.
But Trump is no longer in power and a small section of wall was built.
Now between the US and Mexico current administration it’s incentivizing people to break US laws, as illegal immigrants are given special example exemptions.
For example, they can enter without a COVID-19 test nor are they required to be vaccinated and they can expect the goods and services from an overburdened and acute hospitals and schools provide.
Their current policy is catch, release, and reward.
Perhaps this is a unique time in history, but they are paying people for breaking the law, so why are borders so important?
The next move towards a borderless society is to erase the concept of citizenship, so that the US becomes a nation that allows all non-citizens to vote.
You could argue that non-citizens are legally in a country like the United States contributes as much to American life as natural born citizens therefore, they should have a say in matters of policy and politics.
And this is exactly why the WEF wants to have open borders, because this allows freedom, but freedom for who and at what cost?
So, what does the Bible say about borders and citizenship.
God established borders and taught his people to respect the borders of neighboring nations.
In Deuteronomy 22 Israel’s borders were defined on all four points of the compass, see numbers 34, and when Edom transgressed Israel’s borders, God brought judgment on Edom.
God taught his people to distinguish between foreigners who pose a threat to their culture and those who didn’t.
David Dykstra a pastor in the US wrote in his book “Yearning to be free” writes, “from God’s law we learn that Israel made a distinction between foreigners who would assimilate, and those who would not.
God’s law teaches us to love the foreigner.
God’s law teaches us to respect the concept divine of defined borders and nations.
The God who disrupted the globalization of ancient Babel by confusing the people’s language proves that as people divided, they would no longer be one community without Borders.
Communities went on to form their own languages, cultures, values, and borders.
“All American citizens whether born here or elsewhere, whether one creed or another, stand on the same footing.
We welcome every honest immigrant, no matter from what country he comes, provided only that he leaves off his former nationality, and remains, not a cult or nor Saxon, neither Frenchman nor German, but becomes an American, desirous of fulfilling in good faith the duties of American citizenship.”
Theodore Roosevelt 1886
As Paul explained, God made from one man, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth.
Having established boundaries and borders, issues arose regarding what they had and had not.
So the boundaries and borders were opened to allow commerce to happen between the countries.
People could visit across borders and even establish new citizenships.
But without common values and a common border, a nation cannot peacefully exist indefinitely.
What about citizenship.
The concept and practice go back to ancient times Jesus told a parable in Luke 19 where a noble man left his assets while he was out of the country to be taken care of by some of his servants.
The apostle Paul, who initially denied freedom to speak when a riot broke out of Jerusalem replied, I am a Jew from tarsus in silica, a citizen of no obscure city.
His Roman citizenship gave him the right to speak, and later, he took advantage of the citizenship to travel to Rome.
Citizenship confirms certain rights and privileges to those who legitimately ride reside within the country.
With citizenship, it comes with the right to vote.
It gives the rights and privileges of citizenship to non-citizens but including those who enter the country by breaking laws, is not the way forward. It undermines what citizenship is all about.
Many people are confused about this.
The church symbol is the cross and is welcoming to all who come.
In contrast the symbol of the state is the sword, and the government is tasked with the responsibility of keeping order, protecting the nation, and preserving the peace.
Its message is one of obedience to the law and punishment of evil doers.
The only way civil liberty can be preserved is if the state upholds justice.
If a government can exercise compassion and justice and certain instances, then good.
But government policy can never be based on compassion alone. Something the New Zealand Government needs to take on board.
We have seen the plight of some countries in Europe who have opened borders, based on compassion, now they look like a shadow of themselves.
New Zealand has compassionately opened its borders many times to refugees and a much-needed workforce, but have you noted how quick we are to give these people full citizenship.
Granted, we need to do this but, have you noted the cultural change?
The average kiwi looks, eats, worships, differently and attitudes have changed.
It’s hard to distinguish what was our easy going she’ll be right kiwi from previous generations.
We are fast losing our own identity as a nation.
Theodore Roosevelt was correct when he addressed the subject of immigration in his 1886 pre-election speech in North Dakota, where he welcomed all who come but to leave off their former nationality and become citizens of their new country accepting what this new country offers them.
His words I ask you to ponder, I quote “All American citizens whether born here or elsewhere, whether one creed or another, stand on the same footing.
We welcome every honest immigrant, no matter from what country he comes, provided only that he leaves off his former nationality, and remains, not a cult or nor Saxon, neither Frenchman nor German, but becomes an American, desirous of fulfilling in good faith the duties of American citizenship.”
Governments must be willing to go to war to defend their citizens; the state should administer justice to criminals and punish evil doers who break the law.
Let us never confuse the role of the church and the state.
You can be sure that the leaders who insist that we open our borders to the world are never affected by the consequences of their decisions.
They live securely behind walls, often with personal security guards, but they want the nation’s borders unprotected, they are independently wealthy, but they want the populace to be government dependent.
They send their children to private schools but want the common people to send theirs to politicized public schools.
Unfortunately, politicians who impose bad policies ensure that they are never affected by the drastic consequences of their decisions.
“Let them eat cake,” Marie Antoinette is quoted as saying when told the people of France were starving and had no bridge.
She cared not if they had plenty to eat, but then, she could afford to be indifferent to their needs.