Pray, Vote, Stand.
Hello and welcome to our Town Hall Meeting for July, the sixth in our series of eight prior to this year’s general election.
We continue on with our theme of pray, vote, stand because at the beginning of the year we felt these were the headings which were needed to be discussed in such a forum.
I’m not sure about you, but I am personally exhausted in trying to keep up with the deterioration we see happening in our society.
Over the past month it has been a whirlwind of trouble from Gangs taking over Opotiki, Government ministers displaying their arrogance, another government sanctioned move towards separatism, we continue to see our freedoms being withdrawn, and a continual shift to the left away from democracy to Marxism.
I want to share with you a couple of bible scriptures as they form the foundation to today’s discussion which maybe a little longer than normal.
The first is one I have mentioned often from Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
The other is from Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
There is no doubt in my mind and probably in yours, things in New Zealand are taking a turn for the worse, it’s like we turned the wrong way at an intersection and are travelling on a road we are not overly comfortable with and yet we believe Google Maps that we are on the right road.
I shouldn’t diss Google Maps, they have taken me down countless side roads that have left me thinking really? but I have always arrived at the destination.
How about you, what is your destination, maybe it’s a question you cannot answer because you are either, not in control of your own destiny or you refuse to take control. To be honest the latter is probably correct as there are many today who just drift along.
I often wonder if calling them Muppets is insulting to Kermit and Miss Piggy
National Party leader Christopher Luxon was correct in his comment about New Zealand, we have lost our mojo and we have become whiney. But the question can be asked why?
Back in 1981, we remember how divided this country was during the Springbok Rugby Tour, as thousands took to the street to protest the South African political regime practices of Apartheid.
The protestors in a country across the Pacific Ocean far away from South Africa showed both the people and government of South Africa, the world doesn’t accept apartheid.
But we see separatism happening in New Zealand, is the outcry from New Zealand being muted for some reason, where is the fire that was in the belly of those people in 1981, where are they today standing up for the inequity we are seeing being foisted upon this country, rather than bring all races together we are separating them.
If we were being honest and watchful, we would agree separatism isn’t just about race, its also the rich and the poor, it’s the vaccinated and the unvaccinated That is still an issue in this country, it hasn’t gone away, It’s the separation of families, a huge division is actively happening now, Its Christians vs secularism and the list is quite long.
Divide a nation, and then it can be conquered.
But who is it that will conquer this tiny nation at the bottom of the world.
This tiny nation which is so insignificant it has been forgotten by some map makers and haven’t even been included when they put the world together.
Often in past episodes I have discussed when New Zealand will be asked to make a choice about our allegiances.
We all agree, we want the freedom which democracy affords us, but at the same time we are a capitalist nation which relies heavily on trade which comes from the unholy alliance with China.
But who is it, today is fighting for the hearts and minds of New Zealanders.
I mentioned the word Marxism earlier, New Zealand a country built on Christian values and morals has moved from the source to another, as we practice social justice, Now don’t get me wrong, it has a place, or should I say the ideals of those who originally brought the format to fruition were honourable but it has now been hijacked.
Today, we see Social Justice in a secular format infiltrating into our church society today and on the surface, it sounds great, but reality produces the opposite.
As a nation, we are not blessed by God, therefore we do not receive the blessings God can bestow on us, we are missing out, and if you want to challenge that statement, I am more than happy to debate it.
New Zealand underwent a huge cultural change at the turn of the century where we flicked a switch and said God no longer matters and church attendances and those professing a belief in God declined rapidly.
From that time,
- We have chased God out of our lives,
- We have chased God out of our schools,
- And we have chased God from our land.
Who is it fighting for the minds and hearts of New Zealand.
Show me your laws and I will show you your God.
In the early part of this millennia, we saw law changes, yes, we changed laws in order for things to legal, but were they moral.
Why was there such a paradigm shift from what was unlawful to become lawful.
We used to convict and imprison people who aborted babies, sold their bodies in prostitution, who engaged in the act of sodomy, who aided ending the life of others.
Now it’s legal to do these things, encouraged to do these things we used to call vile, yes, they are legal but are they moral?
You know we used to have police in this country who knew his neighbourhood and held respect, who was dare I say give kids the kick up the bum they needed, but not today.
Most New Zealand settlements and cities were built around a church, it was the centre of the town, now its just a good café or beer hall.
Back in about 2010, at a church in Whitianga, I was present when a man whose name has been forgotten but not his message.
He kept referring to the Winds of change were coming,”(repeat) and how they would envelop this country.
His presentation has stayed with me mainly because of the forcefulness of his winds of change delivery which was often.
I keep asking, who is after the hearts and minds of New Zealanders
The thing about wind is you don’t see it, but you can both see and feel its affects and isn’t that where we are today. The winds of change have been blowing across this nation for well over two decades, and you know, we missed it.
But it brings me to the first of our topics and that is Pray, that is spelt P R A Y not, P R E Y as a few former members of the clergy in days gone by interpreted it.
Oddly, I’m not going to spend a great deal of time on this subject because it’s quite clear we need to be praying for a turnaround in direction his country is heading.
So, I hear you say Pray, for some they have no idea how to pray, but maybe getting down on your knees closing your eyes and start a conversation with God, thank him for life itself and then ask him for his blessing on this country, to have minds thoughts and hearts changed for the betterment of you and your neighbours.
Pretty simple. You don’t have to do a Judith Collins and oh just pop into a church while you have the media present. You can just pray wherever you are comfortable, in the car is great, at home, wherever.
Remember the words of the Psalmist Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
If we want a restoration of the blessings, earlier generations enjoyed.
- We need to put God back into our family,
- We need to put God back into our communities,
- We need to put God back into our schools,
- We need to put God back into our workplace,
- We need to put God back into our law and order
- We need to put God back into our decision making in Parliament.
- Above all, we need to put God back into our lives.
Now there, my friends, is a list of things you can pray for.
Moving onto our next heading Vote.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Today in politics we are seeing a lot of that.
Over the past five years and possibly before that, we have seen and been subjected to so much spin from our politicians and business leaders, greatly aided by the former truthtellers and journalists of history The media.
Before I get into the subject of Politics, as some of you know I came from a media background.
As a journalist particularly the print media, it was impressed upon me what I wrote would be a snapshot of history, so it was important that how I wrote was the story of the time.
It was other people’s stories and beware you don’t put your own thoughts into the story you write.
One project I worked on was the 50th anniversary of a community paper which I had to write a synopsis of the past 50 years and through the stories written I had a sense of the community and how people lived and just how much had changed.
I had a sense of what the community valued and reading through the years, you could sense those values change.
Today’s media is all about them, their thoughts, and opinions, even if there is a mention of the subject in the story, you will find it leans a certain direction.
To be honest if stories matched the click bait used as a headline it would be interesting reading.
When I worked in the media, it was a privilege to be trusted to write other peoples stories and report balanced news of the day.
So back to the current political situation.
Let me just give you some thoughts.
Law and Order- the township of Opotiki, the Police minister Ginny Anderson claims Police acted correctly in closing roads for over two hours denying law abiding citizens egress on the roads while the Mongrel Mob had a free pass.
She recently attacked New Zealand’s prison system, says it’s no place for Māori offenders. Prison is for non/Māori.
This is the same Police Minister who has spun we were safer with 1800 more frontline police officers on the beat to keep people safe.
She obviously wasn’t including dairy owners who are now imprisoned by bars in their business and the countless numbers of retail workers who are terrified about going to work, where they maybe injured during a robbery or the worst case scenario beaten and killed, all for a pack of cigarettes.
Let’s not overlook the 23-year-old man who raped and sexually abused a young girl for years, including pinning her down and choking her, received a discount off his sentence because he told the judge prison would be difficult.
Our health minister who is allowing ethnicity to be put ahead of need for operations who tells us, it’s not true.
Let’s not forget the various ministers of the crown who denied the rights and freedoms of new Zealanders during the Pandemic.
On Housing, we hear of millions of dollars being spent on housing just for Māori, if my memory serves me correctly, wasn’t this the plan for Ihumātao a few years back to build housing with some designated housing for Māori.
We all remember the standoff between the developers Fletcher’s and local iwi, let’s not forget the intervention of Prime Minister Ardern and the $30 million from the taxpayer cheque book.
So, what has happened to Ihumātao, is it being used for Māori Housing, well no, building has been carried out and no housing, but a 7000 square metre Science of the Soul Study Centre for an Indian religious sect among the distinctive stone walls of the historic Ōtuataua Stonefield’s Historic Reserve, which was the focus of the controversial Ihumātao occupation.
Abortion, we are such a caring nation a story which missed the media was the case of a child which was born after surviving an attempt during a late term abortion was born, but medical staff were not allowed to aid, and it took two hours to die.
From the moment the child was born it was no longer a foetus according to law and was legally a child and yet it was left to die, Shame on all those involved. That is the legacy of government policy on abortion.
I have had plenty to say about our education curriculum and the alphabet mafias freedom to groom our children to the unnatural, I won’t speak anymore about them as we are under a warning of being banned from some social media platforms for speaking truth.
- On what planet does a mandate protester get jail time and a multiple child rapist get home detention?
- On what planet is governance decided by ethnicity not racism.
- On what planet does 50% of our population get forced to accept that in fact their appearance only determines that separation?
- And in what universe do unelected governors collectively get to decide laws that criminalize expression of thoughts?
It’s not existential or theory: it’s group think psychosis, where ethical & moral values secede to fear of punishment that has no crime.
It’s even worse than Orwell imagined.
Look I could go on, but now here is an awaking happening and people are saying how did our country changed.
It is changing socially, culturally and morally – all by stealth.
Right now our government is enacting a policy on co governance, you probably haven’t heard much of it this year because they say they have shelved plans for it, but it’s still happening.
Last month we saw the introduction of a multimillion dollar extension of Te Pae Oranga, a scheme where Māori offenders are placed before community panels instead of courts.
I’ll tell you how, because you exercised your vote without thinking through the short- and long-term ramifications for the country.
Right now, I am not telling you how you should vote, nor am I endorsing any party, how you vote is your decision, but I ask you exercise your right thoughtfully and urge you to vote.
Christians will often feel reluctant to put their faith into anything other than Gods Kingdom, but I remind you that governments, good or bad are in place because of Gods authority.
As Christians, we should not see politics as the primary answer to New Zealand’s problems, and we should avoid confusing or compromising the Gospel with worldly political ideologies.
Jesus made a point in his sermon on the mount for followers to be salt and light, by exercising your right to vote, you are adding salt into the culture.
But with prayerful and careful voting, let’s do what can do to strengthen a proper Christian presence and voice in our Parliament.
Since MMP began in 1996, there have been Christian-values or Christian-friendly parties, including current contenders, because it still makes up a sizeable block.
Dr Stuart Lange from The New Zealand Christian Network in his recent newsletter observed “politics is a highly demanding and complicated environment.
Those Christian MPs who are already in Parliament very much need our support, especially in prayer.”
It should also be noted that those who have made it in the past, enter Parliament with great Christian ideals and yet leave parliament very much like their secular counterparts defeated by having to vote for things they may be questionable and perhaps against their own conscience.
I have only touched on some of the shenanigans of our politicians but every time they open their mouths I often wonder if calling them Muppets is insulting to Kermit and Miss Piggy but honestly when you hear the leader of a party suggests condensation on windows disproportionately affects Māori and Pasifika.
Te Pati Māori leader Rawiri Waititi I quote “damp windows did not exist before Pakeha colonialists invaded the Aotearoa motu”.
C’mon stop rolling your eyes, I can’t make this stuff up.
Let’s just say, we understand this country is economically, and morally broke and what is needed is leadership, something we do not have at present.
It is hard to look at the incumbents vying for the job, there is a dearth of leadership material, although one in particular looks a possibility but politics is rough and its going to take someone with leadership strength to lift this country out of the mire.
I have had it up to here with all parties, I want a plan, I don’t want to be told that 2=2 now equals 5 because it doesn’t
I don’t want politicians to tell me there is fifty shades of grey.
And I am sure you will agree when I say, I don’t want a government who cannot define what a woman is or can’t tell the difference between what is natural and unnatural.
The time to stop contextual morality, it’s time where a government is going to lead and the first place, they need to start from is from a foundation of Truth,
Remember Truth?
We are living in a relevant time right now where truth has been discarded, people are resorting to relativism about everything.
- Truth is not “flexible”—it’s solid and unyielding.
- Truth liberates.
- Truth rebuilds.
- Truth restores.
- Truth heals.
- Truth transforms.
- Truth prevails.
- You do not change truth.
- Truth changes you! Amen?
Earlier I mentioned how New Zealanders were prepared to take to the streets because they stood for a cause and that brings me into the third subject of our meeting Stand.
There is just so much we as a nation should be standing up for, Over the past meetings, I have given you numerous topics but, I have come back to this.
If we stand up for something we must be sure we believe in it 100%
Think back to the last century and how many people have given their lives for what they stand for.
If you are going to draw a line in the sand, you better be sure it’s something you are prepared to give up everything for.
Last month a Christian teacher in New Zealand was fired, struck off the register, which means he can never teach again because it was against his conscience to buy into the culture and took a stand and refuse to call a pupil by his assigned pro noun.
My friends how strong are you in your belief in God?
It is finally happening in New Zealand, we have been reading about the lefts intolerance to God happening overseas, friends what happened with this teacher and Bethlehem College in Tauranga is just the beginning, believe me, your faith is going to be tested.
Make a Stand but make sure you are equipped with the answer. 2 Timothy 4:2?
The clearer we hear our call from God, the more courage we will have to face the spiritual battles ahead of us.
Our faithfulness should see us keep praying for New Zealand to return to God.
We want to be strong, courageous, gracious, but uncompromising as witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, amidst a culture of increasing hostility towards the Christian faith.
When Jesus said you are the salt of the earth he was saying, “you are the preservative of a decaying culture”.
We. As Christians, followers of Christ, must look and ask what faithfulness looks like in New Zealand, understand why it lost its way, – accept our nation is under the judgement of God.
From today and as I put you on notice, from today we must learn how to conduct ourselves as a minority, in a majority post-Christian era.
We need to know and be confident on engaging the culture without being contaminated by it.
And we need to be taking that truth to world who is in bondage to darkness.
Let’s pray, lets pray and when the opportunity presents, let’s engage as Christian citizens in a god honouring legal way, lets stand for that truth no matter what the opposition says, or whoever may try to cancel us.
So, I end by leaving you this thought.
Since we are not dead, we are not done, we’ve heard it, let’s do it.