Town Hall Meeting, Pray, Vote, Stand. June (2023)

The election campaign has already started unofficially with the first shots fired by both parties, on the same weekend of the Labour Party Conference, all I can say is it’s going to be petty.

Hello and welcome to this, our fifth Town Hall Meeting based around the theme of Pray, Vote, Stand.

Over the last few months, we have attempted to bring the nation topics on what the country needs in the way of prayer and provided prayer points, things needed in this country where God can assist.

On the theme of Vote, we have encouraged everyone who can to take the opportunity to exercise the freedom to vote, it’s a luxury few in the world have these days.

Without telling you who to vote for, because we accept it is not our place, but I would like to think we have perhaps challenged your thinking.

Under the heading of Stand, we have encouraged both Christian and non-Christians to make a stand, to draw a line in the sand over several issues.

Some of you have been in touch and asked what about this issue?

My response is simple, because the list is so long, like David who went into battle with Goliath, remember before doing so, he knelt and chose his stones. Sometimes you only get one chance, so every stone you hurl, every battle you undertake, must make an impact.

So, let’s move onto our first heading Pray.

As a nation we should never forget this is an open avenue of communication to the most high, the creator of the universe, to which many think we are just a mere speck.

Even more so is the nation in which we live.

New Zealand with all its sense of entitlement is just a speck on the world stage.

Whatever happens in New Zealand hardly creates a ripple anywhere round the globe.

Sad to say as a country New Zealand, has even been left of world maps, sad but true.

Even our biggest and most recognizable brand, the All Blacks, is not a household name.

Just putting things into perspective, but if the average person living in Queens in New York City doesn’t know we exist let alone care about us down under, why should God worry about us when there is lots of more important things for him to concern him.

Well, the answer is simple, He cares about us more than you can ever imagine and accept.

New Zealand with its huge population of sheep usurped now by cows was once referred to as GODZONE, a trip around New Zealand especially around the Southern Alps, Central Otago and Milford Sounds, should give you an understanding of how blessed we are to live in a nation of such magnificence.

Reality check time, yes, these things are superficial, and they are a reason to visit this country.

But Godzone is no longer, especially when you come away from those tourist areas and live amongst its people.

There you find entitlement and secularism as its culture.

New Zealand is a nation which has forgotten God, forgotten its Christian roots, and has become a society which now lives in fear.

Once upon a time, sounds like the start of a fairytale, but New Zealand was like that once, a fairytale where you could leave your front door unlocked and know you wouldn’t be robbed, a place where everyone was happy, there were no barriers, no them and us, but unfortunately the fairytale existence ended, and I have yet to see a happy ending.

Instead, we have a nation which has willingly given itself over to the fairies, the villains and the racists.

Is this not something New Zealanders should be praying about?

Recently my good friend Dr Stuart Lange from The New Zealand Christian Network penned an article and asked the question “What is wrong with New Zealand?

Apart from the obvious, Doctor Lang talks about a deeper underlying issue in our society.

New Zealand is rapidly losing its previous spiritual and moral anchorage and Christian faith and ethics.

For many, there is now little or no regard for God or biblical truth in public discourse, secularism, neopaganism, materialism, and hedonism, genomic in a free ride whereas Christian faith and biblical ethics are often scorned shunned or ignored.

Like us, Doctor Laing says he would be delighted to see a widespread move in society back to faith in Christ in the Bible and more just and ethical society.

My friends if there is one topic we need to pray about and that is the return of this nation back to God.

As the psalmist said Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord

I believe sincerely, if we did that, then the raft of issues being faced by the population of New Zealand would disappear and there would be peace and harmony in this small dot in the world we call home.

This brings me onto the topic of Vote, and in our previous topic I have spoken on issues facing New Zealand, you know what they are, but let me run a list in case you missed some.

  • Our country does have a number of ongoing significant problems including,
  •  living cost,
  •  expensive housing,
  • the widening disparity between the many who are financially comfortable and the others who worked equally hard but constantly struggled to provide for their families,
  • drugs,
  • ram raids,
  • relationships and family breakdowns,
  • violence,
  • poor mental health,
  • suicides,
  • road rage,
  • the road toll,
  • beleaguered health services,
  • environmental degradation,
  • climate change, and extreme weather events,
  • successive governments appear unable or unwilling to effectively address many of these problems.

From a Christian biblical perspective, these things matter, not social justice.

To be honest the term Social Justice has been bandied about by politicians for years without any action.

What Jacinda Ardern promised was great rhetoric, but found out, it’s difficult to deliver.

Had she understood her Mormon upbringing, she would have understood the example of David when fighting Goliath and taken on one foe at a time rather than the whole army.

But yes, it was an extensive list and one which anyone after the election is going to have to prioritize.

But then this is the job they wanted.

The economy looms as a major crisis for this country, dare I say it, it’s always about the economy when election time rolls around.

Minister of Finance Grant Robertson is guilty of

  • overspending,
  • Money printing,
  •  excessive borrowing, and if he were honest, even he would admit we have major financial problems both going into and coming out of this election.

Many elections are won on the “What’s in it for me:” psychology, how much is either political party going to put back in my back pocket, mentality.

I don’t have to tell you that New Zealand is experiencing a major cost of living crisis compared to other countries.

I have just recently come back from Australia and noted the price of fuel, food, and other things are way cheaper across the ditch, but for those who like to partake in alcohol, I suggest you purchase what you can from Duty free.

I was disturbed as you will be that here in New Zealand you can now purchase food on a Buy now, pay later scheme, like other retailers.

To be upfront, shocking as it sounds, the ability to put groceries on “tick” has been even before the local grocer put his pencil behind his ear.

Sadly, people will still use it, and sadly, we will see more and more people in debt.

Given interest rates and inflation coupled with the ability to make a dollar stretch -a loaf of bread could well cost a week’s wages as the bible foretold.

I don’t know about you but despite foodbanks being well used, I am being approached by many on the street looking for spare change to buy food.

In my Town Hall meeting last month I mentioned, when we get a political poll result, we would see how the country is thinking.

Make what you want from the last two where it shows National has regained a slight advantage over the government, but we see a huge drop-in support for Te Pati Māori, as the nation rejected its ideas for separatism.

The media pundits are making a big deal out of the leadership stakes between the two Christophers.

Hipkins is down on popularity while Luxon remains the same.

People, we need to get it, and I wish these young reporters would also stop being enamoured by personalities, but because one candidate is more popular with voters than the other, doesn’t mean the other bloke can do the job better or worse.

Elections are not about people but policies and actions. And over the past six years we have had policies but no action, which means no delivery.

Dare I say it, this government is like the buy now, pay later scheme except its promise now, but not sure how to deliver.

This former idealistic group from the student unions are without any real-life experience, thinking they could change the world once they seized power, and did they? is anyone any better off today since this government has been in power.

Forget Covid, forget all the other distractions, this government has failed in both social justice and prudent stewardship.

We don’t need charismatic leaders like John Key or narcissistic leaders like Jacinda Ardern, we need someone who is strong in leadership, someone who can read and understand a balance sheet.

Think about your own workplace, your boss is possibly not the guy you would invite around home for dinner, but it’s not a popularity contest, He’s the boss, he is working to keep your company profitable and because he’s doing that, you still have a job and still have money to entertain your most popular friends.

Which party or which combinations can you see leading the country into a bright new future.

This is where we say and advise, “do your diligence.

  • will they deliver in on what they promise.  
  • Are their levels of morality, justice, and character acceptable to you.

Candidates in electorates are one thing but what is a bottom line for you, can they deliver best outcomes for your community or are they like the long-standing MP who is my communities’ representative, just there to collect the salary.

Dr Stuart Laing in his article quoted earlier referred to needing more Christian based members of parliament.

I disagree, but also agree with him on this point.

I disagree if those claiming to be Christian like the current leader of the National Party who claims the T-shirt but fails to wear it publicly.

I’m not a fan of the current prime ministers T shirt, but you get the idea, if you claim Christianity, then make sure the fruit you produce comes from the tree.

Recently I was involved in a discussion with a nationwide Christian group who wanted to post advertising from Christian Parties.

When I say discussion, it was more of a challenge to them, and I pass it onto you to consider as this year we have several parties looking for our party vote.

Before I get into it, I see one of our mega churches now promoting and possibly advocating for a change of government, but then, who isn’t.

Can I say to Peter Mortlock, thank you for finally waking up and understanding that Christians need guidance to navigate the world of politics.

To be fair to Peter, and Brian Tamaki they are probably leading their congregations well, but what about the rest.

Here at Christian Voice New Zealand, we have never shied away from adding salt into our political culture, just saying.

Back to Christian Political Parties.

First up, Christian parties have not fared well in this country, even those like the Conservative Party who were close to Christian beliefs ran foul with the justice system, think Graham Capel and Colin Craig.

Let me go back to my challenge over Christian Parties.

Is this a genuine God loving God fearing party which has the bible as its foundation,

Or is it a party which has a leader like National claiming to be Christian.

Or is it a party like Vision or the One Party spawned from a church group?

Or is it like the Brian Tamaki led party, a collective of other parties looking to secure the 5%threshold, and if it does, which parties’ agenda will they promote in parliament?

Is it a party and there are a couple which came about because of last years protests which were against mandates and the state removal of personal freedoms.

So, lots to think about, if your confused, like I am as to who to vote for this year, do your own diligence.

Before you do, spend some time in prayer and seek Gods guidance.

I know, what’s the point, they will never be able to provide you with what God’s Kingdom can provide but this is the here and now and Jesus said we must be the salt and light in the world.

By executing your vote and its biblical to do so, you can add salt into the culture of this country.

Family First have a good set of tools you can use to check out the moral compass of candidates and their voting records, but go to the meetings if they are on, do what I have done and write to candidates and ask questions.

I am about to have coffee with one very soon.

Moving onto our final subject Stand.

Once again here we must choose our battles but always with the underlying strength the Bible provides us with.

When making a stand it must be foundational with the bible.

For example, we cannot make a stand against climate change if we approve of abortion.

If we cannot protect the innocents and support life, then the rest is meaningless.

So, what should we stand for, simple answer, everything the Bible says the way we should live our lives, treat others, treat the planet and above all praise God in everything.

The LGBTQI+ sector of our society has brought this nation down to a level where God should apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah.

We should be mindful of companies like The Warehouse, who are courting controversy over its stance to stock products like the Disney Pride Collection which promotes alternative lifestyles to our children.

The Warehouse will also donate 5% of sales to the organisation “Inside Out” which provides puberty blockers.

Unfortunately, it just doesn’t end there, Countdown have been asking customers to round out amounts as a donation to rainbow youth, and let’s not start on Ruby Tui, The NZRFU, and Sanitarium and rainbow flags.

I see many calling for a boycott of the Warehouse and yet we gladly send our children to state funded schools to have drag queens read stories, to have the rainbow mafia infiltrate the curriculum with the many ways you can have sexual pleasure.

I’m going to finish now because this stuff just sickens me, and I feel justifiably angry about it.

So, there it is, our Town Hall Meeting for June as the election comes closer.

Expect it to be a dirty campaign, it will be personal, it will at times be fiery, but above all hopefully it will be informative, and you and I can make an informed choice.

As Christians we can Pray this nation will return to God, we can pray for those politicians who are either there or wanting to be to make the right decisions for everyone regardless of skin colour, ethnicity or creed.

We can exercise our right to vote, we are still, even though we are on the verge of tipping over from being a democratic country.

In accordance with the actions of the apostles, voting is a God given right.

And above all, we must remember we must have God front and centre in our lives and stand firmly on the foundation for mankind- The Bible.


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