The need for the United Nations to have emergency powers adopted is all part of a bigger agenda.
And I will come to that soon.
As friends do, they often ask me to watch a video, and I always do and then give them feedback, good or bad as to what I thought.
Last week among the 15 or so videos I received one was called MESSIAH 2030, which incidentally is two hours long, just saying, but it was jam packed at looking at differing prophesies to back up the producer’s conclusion that Jesus will return in 2030, I hope he is right. However, my friend who suggested it to me felt the dates given are wrong, which after watching and thinking it through, he was right.
But it did lead me down the rabbit hole to speculate, what if the producers of Messiah 2030 were correct?
It’s hard not to deny we are living in the time of the end and even I have encouraged you to share that belief, but in line with Matthew 24 No one knows the hour, not even the son of man.
But if 2030 is accurate, expect to see some real change in the world before the end of the year.
“Summit of the Future” might be the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations. If approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist.”
John Haskins :Researcher
Is it likely we will see the establishment of a new order, a one world government, and the identity of the antichrist?
By man putting a date on the return of Jesus one of three things happen,
- People roll their eyes and scoff at the lunacy of your statement and want to have you committed along with our old friend Harold Camping, who suggested such a thing and then changed the date in the early part of the century.
- Expectation grows wildly among followers of the Bible, and they start to imagine it could really happen, they encourage one another to look busy because Jesus is to return.
- Or others like me, prefer to look closely at the prediction and say, its all in Gods time, and continue to believe and work by telling others they can be saved.
For some time now, I have spoken about the pathway the world is on with the agendas of both the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organisation.
Add into that mix, the European Council, soon to become the European Government, The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Let me also throw a couple of other organisations, The Catholic Church, The Church of England, and The World Council of Churches.
Why is it you may say are we hearing more talk about the end coming?
Just look at the agenda, look at who it is in control, and what it is, they wish to achieve.
Back in January, I highlighted many steps which are being taken, under the guise of, “The Great Reset.”
A one world government can only be achieved, if the people it wants to control, allow them to do it.
In other words, if those who want it can have the same confidence that Adolf Hitler had in the lead up to his reign, to manipulate the hearts and minds of those they need to control.
The controls put in place recently under the façade of Covid, showed us and them, we will meekly accept, a change in status and sovereignty.
It’s coming, I am not going to sugar coat it, Change is coming, literally it will be like a thief in the night, it is coming and it’s coming so fast, you won’t see it.
Like the Covid restrictions you will wake up one morning and the world you once knew will be, no longer.
Just recently In the United States, Justin Haskins who’s a research director at The Heartland Institute and New York Times bestselling author on Independence Day unleashed a warning to Americans that they may soon be losing their independence.
He wrote of the agenda laid out at Septembers “Summit of the Future” might be the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations. If approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist.”
And while Haskins writes about the effect that such a “Pact for the future” would have on the United States, one cannot dismiss, the impact it would have on New Zealand, and the rest of the world.
I have mentioned this before but among the radical proposals being suggested, underlying is the WHO plan for a new ’emergency platform,’ a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future uninterpreted ‘global shocks,’ such as a black swan event like,
- worldwide pandemic,
- a major climatic event,
- maybe a global digital connectivity disruption,
- major event in outer space
but the thing about black swan events is these are now commonplace, rather than a rarity.
The illustration much like a picture of a big Mac looks appealing until you open the box and find expectation and reality are different and unpalatable.
The Summit will mark the half-way point to the deadline set for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
This will be the centrepiece of the High-level Week of the General Assembly.
It will respond to the impact of multiple and interlocking crises facing the world.
With an expectation to reignite a sense of hope, optimism, and enthusiasm for the 2030 Agenda.
We are less than 7 years from 2030, and the UN wants to remind global leaders to keep implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
On the surface, the goals that the UN wants to achieve sound rather harmless, but if you dig into the details, you will find that the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint for creating a far-left globalist utopia.
Let me just recap some of the points I made in an earlier presentation.
If New Zealand or any other country signs this pact it, then forfeits its sovereignty to the United Nations.
Can you now see the agenda being carried out towards a One World Government.
But wait, there’s more.
Add to this, the world’s economic downward spiral, soon you won’t need money because you will have none.
And already what you have is not available to you with New Zealand banks placing limits on the amount of cash you can withdraw.
You are hearing the term “Centralised Digital Banking System” that is because New Zealand is currently working its way to bringing that to fruition. (I refer you back to The Great Reset Series we produced earlier this year)
And if you have ever wondered why our government is so down on our farmers have a look at what is happening overseas to thousands of farms across Europe to meet Climate Change goals, – all during a world-wide food crisis.
And so, it goes on as many of those in power coerce us into fearing for life every day, fearing for our homes, our planet, and our future, but hey most don’t realise it’s happening, simply because no one, not our government, nor the mainstream media.
But what is the reason for all this coming to fruition?
It is this.
Revelation 12:8 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
I said earlier I’m not sugarcoating anything but ask yourself and be honest.
Since 2019 we have seen the world change and ask yourself,
- is it any better,
- can you afford today, what you could yesterday,
- When I get sick, will someone take care of me, and why is it,
- my children are as confused, and frightened as I am as we move forward.
The clouds and darkness enveloping this world are here as each day grows darker, I tell you this, the despite the date, predictions of Messiah 2030 are correct and the day of redemption, the day of the Lord is close, but before that, are you ready to accept that this world is heading towards an even darker time in History.
Back in 1933, no one could have foreseen how one man in power could change the landscape of Germany, he did and during that time many looked toward a saviour.
My Friends we are in a similar time, but I can assure you this, it will be unlike any other time in history, following the darkness, all will look up to the clouds and they will know their Redemption is near as the bible foretold as the son of man, King of Kings Jesus Christ returns to the earth.
I leave you with this one thought about the things I spoke of
These things must happen and as Jesus assured his disciples.
but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.