I have always pondered about how to fix the issues of today’s young people, how to get them away from the gaming consul, leave their phones and get them out into the fresh air.
Being a child of the sixties we never had these issues because we had compulsory military training and if you missed out on the ballot, you still had it at high school.
Great idea and I see the new coalition government is to introduce military style “boot camps,” for young offenders.
Great idea except it wouldn’t work with the rug rats of yesterday as they have grown up to be a generation of self-entitled brats or teenagers. Call them what you want but Compulsory Military style training is what they need, what they possibly crave for, want the boundaries set for them but it won’t happen because of the hand wringing, worried and woke parents who have fostered and protected them all their lives.
I know, it’s a bit harsh to generalise about teenagers in this way as there are some really good kids out there.
I was intrigued though, when I read an article about whether the USA could defend itself if attacked and surprised at the answer.
What has New Zealand Teens got to do with an attack on America, hang on as I give you some background.
The free world is reliant upon the United States for military protection, but over the last few months our politician’s rhetoric has them saying the world has become a more dangerous place, in that the US in the past had essentially only one aggressor to deal with, which was the Soviet Union.
Today, the U.S. must account for regimes in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, and Pyongyang, and a host of smaller powers and terrorist regimes that challenge U.S. interests. They have different objectives and possess different cultures, values, and networks.
Just because the U.S. acts in the Middle East to thwart Iran doesn’t mean that China alters its activities vis-à-vis Taiwan or its push on territorial claims in the South China Sea, or that Russia lessens its assault of Europe or attempts to divide NATO. They pose different threats to the U.S. in different ways.
So, there it is the threat to the world in a nutshell, the sad thing for the United States is it is nowhere ready to take on a multiple number of wars at this time.
We know the world is getting more dangerous and interesting how our politicians are now speaking openly about it, without saying what it is we should be concerned about.
But if you are a person who watches and keeps up with things, in our area the biggest threat to peace in the South Pacific will be the incursion of China and its financial aid to small Pacific Nations like the Solomon and Marshall Islands Kiribati, and the Kingdom of Tonga.
It all comes with a price.
but are these countries really the enemy?
As I looked at the article, I pondered about the enemy we face within our own country, which is very similar to the United States and the rest of the Western World.
It would be laughable for New Zealand teens to pick up a rifle that is decades old, to serve in an air force which only has trainers, to serve in a navy with a couple of boats which can be outrun by Jet ski towing a biscuit.
Then there is the sense of pride in service, no it’s not going to happen sorry; it just won’t wash.
But my article was about the US military which is only a fraction of the size it needs be.
Many will say a strong military force will deter a war, but deterrence derives from the belief of the enemy that they would be defeated in battle.
So, without demeaning those who are currently serving it’s no reflection on them but I’m sure they are realistic as well when I say New Zealand would fail if we relied on our military to defend our shores.
And dare I say it, the US military is in a similar position. It no longer has a deterrent value.
The surprising thing my article pointed out is America’s potential enemies see this, the American people – not so much.
For the US to militarily compete on the world stage it would only have enough to contain an aggressor, very much like we have seen since World War 2.
Realistically, for it compete against the multitude of adversaries it currently possesses it would have to have a military power commensurate with the realities of the today’s world, not one that is imagined in years to come nor one held in fond memories.
The thing is which is really disturbing is the overall military power of the West has diminished with military forces smaller than they were even a decade ago with Britian, Japan, Germany, and France all reporting lower numbers of personnel, while at the same time admitting their equipment has not kept up to date with the firepower any aggressor has today.
So, what has to do with New Zealand teenagers, let’s go back to them.
- Self-entitled.
- No real-world experience.
- No sense of duty.
- No sense of justice.
- No loyalty.
In the US three out of four young Americans are ineligible for military service and I think we can add the same equation for New Zealand. We would see issues such as
- Physical or mental health issue,
- Obesity,
- Criminal records, and substance abuse.
- And a low IQ score
I mention the last point because the US Navy has begun to accept enlistees even with a low score in aptitude tests.
Given the numbers of absenteeism in this country’s schools, I’m not holding out any hope for our young people.
I mentioned the enemy within as opposed to the enemy at the door.
Parents have a huge role to play in bringing up their children, these kids will often reflect what they see practiced in their own homes, so if you feel I am being unfair on your teens then look in the mirror, ask the question.
We can get hung up on social issues like gender, climate change, even the Treaty of Waitangi, none of it means a jot when the enemy is knocking at the door.
Here’s the thing, do you think when and if New Zealand is taken over we will see it, we haven’t so far, but New Zealand has changed, the enemy is no longer at the door, the enemy is already inside your house, your family, your schools your community and yet we don’t see it.
America’s might cannot defend us and bible prophecy about the final war of Armageddon doesn’t even mention it.
The United States will be no longer, because they have allowed the enemy to infiltrate their lives and their culture, just as we have allowed it to happen in our daily lives.
I found one of the reasons the United States stipulate they cannot recruit people was because of obesity.
And yet here we are, living in a country with no pride in ourselves, no pride in our country and no moral value, but when we throw our garbage out of the car onto the road, we expect some one else to pick it up.
Let me make this clear, when the world implodes on itself, who will you look to save you, The United States, No! what about God! Will God save you? for what reason will he save you?
When you see all the armies of the world are called and move towards one destination remember this, America will not be there as they do not figure in biblical prophecy at the end.
McDonalds and KFC only make us obese, but living on a diet of scripture and stories of faith now that is real life-giving food to feed your body and mind, because it is only through Gods word can we see any hope of salvation.
Let’s make it a goal, let’s engage in compulsory training for ourselves and our kids, rather than pick up an aging rifle, pick up an ageless Bible and do some compulsory Bible training and learn who and how to combat our real enemy who has no perception of boundaries, and his days are numbered.