What did the apostle paul have in common with a fast food outlet
I want to ask you a strange question.
What does KFC and the apostle Paul have in common?
In the Bible we know Paul was subjected to lockdown, but I don’t think he ever got to a level 3 lockdown – you know Level 4 with KFC.
No that wasn’t it.
Back when KFC was first introduced it was called Kentucky Fried Chicken.
But as the world became more food conscience, Fried food was nolonger acceptable
So the Kentucky Fried Chicken altered its name to KFC.
Oddly enough, it was still fried chicken.
So, what does this have to do with the apostle Paul.
Paul was first introduced in the Bible as Saul.
After his Damascus revelation, it was an event in the life of Saul which led him to cease persecuting early Christians and to become a follower of Jesus.
In Romans 1 Saul introduces himself as Paul a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God.
This significant step in Pauls life was an acknowledgement he had left behind Saul and became Paul.
This wasn’t just a name change like KFC, this was a whole new direction.
Paul acknowledged himself as a bondservant.
Why is this so important
In the time of the New Testament, a bondservant could refer at times to someone who voluntarily served others.
In most cases, however, the term referred to a person in a permanent role of service.
A bondservant was considered the property of a Roman citizen.
But Saul, who became Paul, had made it clear and understood as a bond servant he had no right to leave his place of service.
The importance of referring to himself as bondservant should not be overlooked.
Despite proclaiming a message of freedom from sin in Jesus Christ, Paul dedicated himself to Jesus as his one and only master. -one he could consider leaving.
So why is this so important to us today.
Saul who was Paul,in changing his identity did so, not just in name, but in his life direction.
I’m not suggesting you change your name, but like Paul when you make the conversion from non-believer to believer, you make a similar commitment to God.
You are as the bible says a disciple of Jesus and like Paul, there is an expectation that you will both love the lord and work tirelessly for his forthcoming kingdom.
You see when you become known as a Christian, you have signalled to the world you have changed the direction in your life.
We can all be like Kentucky Fried Chicken; we can put up a new title on our lives.
No matter how they dress it up-KFC is still fried chicken.
We as Christians need to act and be confident that people will see the change.
We must be like Saul when he became Paul, no one saw Saul the persecutor, they just saw Paul the apostle.