Why do transgender People hate Christians?
A word of warning, in a moment I am going to show you a 12 second clip, some may find disturbing.
But first I must say you know that your religion has truly reached a level of tolerance and non-oppression when folk feel they can do this in public without consequence.
This is not a woman but a Satanists destroying a copy of the Bible at an event recently held is Boston featuring multiple transgender keynote speakers.
So, ask yourself why?
Why is there so much hate and hostility towards God, Christians and Christianity today from within the Gay community.
When you look at its fruits Christianity is probably the most tolerant and accepting religion there is.
And yet the gay community who wants so much acceptance is the most intolerant group on the planet.
If you’re ever going to get a group of people who are intolerant towards Christianity it surely must come from the followers of Islam, but the alphabet mafia, particularly those labelled transgender hate on Christians the most.
Now I am not prepared to get into a debate about persecution, I think Christianity over he centuries has had its fair share of persecuting others, but today when its all love thy neighbour why so much hate?
I think the answer really lies in the video clip I showed you at the start.
The person in the video was a Satanist, a person who is anti-God and this is what happens when you have satanic people join up with deluded people who cannot accept what they are in nature, then this becomes the result.
I am not a fan of trans-vestites nor am I a champion of the Gay movement.
I know and You know where I stand on the whole issue.
Look, these people can throw their tantrums and toys out of the cot, but it won’t make any difference to anyone because we Know, and they Know we are right when it comes to the acceptance of what is natural and what is unnatural.
They think demolishing GODs Word in this manner matters, it doesn’t, what does matter is my relationship between me and God which if I choose too, only I can destroy, but I don’t choose to.
The one thing I choose is to show my intolerance respectfully and state again my reasons for not accepting the act of a lifestyle based around an unnatural sexual act called Sodomy which the very book which was destroyed describes it bluntly, as an abomination to God.
I accept we live in a world where people want to be different and in the case of the rainbow community they want to be accepted, but not everyone can agree.
Likewise, I agree they do not agree with Christianity, and the Bible because it goes against their belief.
Christians will accept your members of the Gay community if you want to come to church, it’s always been an open invitation, many have come and those who were open to it, had their lives challenged by the word of God and have accepted Christ as their savior.
In closing I say this, and this may offend but then sometimes telling the truth can.
But “if you tolerate everything, you stand for nothing.
Maybe its time for Christians to be real Christians and stand for God, and not for what is the worlds flavour of the month is.