Why is a new initiative by the World Health Organisation being kept from the people?
There is no conspiracy on behalf of the W.H.O it’s there in black and white for everyone to see, and yet politicians in the US, The UK, and Australia are asking the same question about the introduction of this new policy which will see each country who signs up to it, relinquish their power of sovereignty.
What is we are talking about here?
It’s a dual track initiative which will see the World Health Organisation being given a green light to take over the sovereignty of countries, through their global pandemic treaty which they call an accord.
The second is through a package of about 300 amendments to international health rules.
Both lead to the same result, both lead to the creation of a platform for global governance through all health care which locks in a country, the likes of which has never been seen before.
The question remains as to why it is politicians around the world are asking why no one has heard about the new health treaty.
Mike Bain, Christian Voice New Zealand
Oka, I hear you say, it would be great for all governments to be on the same page if another pandemic raises its head, so what’s the big deal?
Reading through an article from the medical Journal the Lancet, it would appear that the treaty is a good thing given the breakdown between China and the United States during the Covid 19 crisis.
The World Health Organisations has in the past used these types of treaties over the past 20 years to get health issues sorted, think tobacco.
Former US congresswoman Michelle Bachman noted the WHO’s view of COVID appears to be the same now as it was at the beginning of the pandemic stating “we’ve learned a lot of things in the past three years.
Signing up to this treaty would mean the W.H.O would take the power from the government and lock down, order boycotts, force medical treatment such as vaccinations and much more.
If you don’t like it, then be prepared to be held down and take your medicine. – I kid you not.
The man who heads the WHO Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, has been reported as saying he wants more ‘bio surveillance,’ in other words, surveillance of our bodies.
And then they want to share that data with everyone else in the world.
Let’s be clear about what it is he is saying.
It is their intention to have surveillance over every citizen on earth, and they intend to … control us through health care.”
By the way, I do not own a tin hat, just passing on the warnings of how the pieces are starting to come together to form a ‘One World Government.”
The question remains as to why it is politicians around the world are asking why no one has heard about the new health treaty.
Living in New Zealand we can understand, our news media won’t report it as it has become obvious to all, it would require some intellectualism to understand what is happening.
I see the same media is looking closely and reporting the governments move towards media censorship, so not all is lost.
But how does a global pandemic affect us besides losing our sovereignty, which should be enough to raise the alarm of any thinking person?
The Pandemic Treaty is not the brainchild of the World Health Organisation but a key component of the agenda of the World Economic Forum.
If you viewed the Great Reset videos, we produced at the beginning of this year you would have noted we talked about a social score, whereby, if you didn’t have enough points, because you refused a mandatory vaccine or associated with a known criminal, your points would be deducted and the ability to buy, travel, even get a haircut will be limited.
As mentioned earlier, health is just one piece of the puzzle towards control mankind.
There I have said it, lock me away for telling the truth.
It’s happening, ask yourself this question, New Zealand is just one of 155 countries who have changed their health systems in the past five years.
Think about it, former health minister Andrew Little changed the structure of health into four separate entities almost overnight.
In the past five years have you been able to access health practitioners as easy as you have.
Problems with surgery waiting times, Accident and emergency departments being overrun, the increase of telehealth, the shortages of medical staff are not just limited to these shaky Isles but experienced across the globe.
The worlds health systems have been manipulated into a crisis which needs a solution and here it is.
Good old New Zealand, while it hasn’t signed up yet, simply because it hasn’t been finalised in 2021 was one of the nation’s pushing for a more collaborative international health structure.
In doing so, possibly with good intention, but with hindsight and suspicion anything our previous prime minister was involved with you can only wonder, but by doing so the government is supporting the move of the World Health Organisation.
So when is all going to happen?
In September the W.H.O will meet in New York; there they will review the progress to date.
In January They’ll give a final completed package of the 300 amendments, together with a global pandemic treaty, to the World Health Organization and the U.N.
And then they’ll meet again in Geneva next February, there they will take the vote.
And so, they intend to vote for a platform for global government and to give themselves the power that no one has ever seen before.”
I have mentioned this before, the Bible foretells that in the last days we will see the rise of a one world government, and although I have spoken in this video about the health system, but in the past raised issues about a future monetary collapse and how the agenda for a one world digital currency will be implemented, food shortages, a move by governments to impose restriction, surveillance measures which will monitor our daily lives, a future war, which will change the landscape of the world.
But above all I have spoken about where this is all leading and that my friends is to a one world government which will pave the way for who is referred to in the Bible as the man of perdition, the Antichrist.
As the book of Revelation speaks of Woe it also speaks about a time to follow.
A time when all the kings of the earth including the antichrist will end and it will be when Jesus leads the forces of heaven to battle against the evil forces controlling this earth and establish God’s Kingdom right here on earth.
If you want to know more about Gods Kingdom, look for a bible believing Church, there’s still a few around.